Glass Containers

It’s a pity that in our modern homes we don’t use glass crockery enough. Even if we have it at home we usually save it for some event or when guests are coming. I think it is an excellent food/water storage container. You can use microwave with it and is very environmentally friendly as compared to the alternatives. The only disadvantage is that it breaks but this is actually not a problem....

January 12, 2024 · 2 min · Rohan D

Binge Watching

I like binge watching shows like anybody but I have come to realization that I always feel bad by the end of it. Especially if the show was good because I could have savored the show over longer span of time. Finishing it in a weekend gives a closure at the end but only a hazy memory of what exactly happened in episodes other than the last. Some shows have very deep meanings and insights into the human condition....

December 18, 2023 · 2 min · Rohan D

Toxic Positivity

Imagine our ancestors, who were primarily hunter-gatherers, when faced with predator like a Lion thought “This lion will not eat me”. Or consider example of the 2008 financial crisis, people thought “mortgage backed securities will never go down”. Then every now and then throughout the world their are banks that collapsed and eventually had to be bailed out by government. In each of these examples, people failed to consider a perspective....

March 12, 2023 · 2 min · Rohan D